Wildcat: An Appalachian Romance

Return home to the rust belt of Appalachia, a place of industrial disaster and natural splendor, where reconciling the past with the future takes center stage in Jeffrey Dunn’s lyrical literary fiction gem, Wildcat: An Appalachian Romance.

Book Summary

Step into the world of Wildcat: An Appalachian Romance—a lyrical literary fiction gem by Jeffrey Dunn. Set in the rust belt of Appalachia, this captivating tale follows a retired English teacher who returns to his hometown, where a once-closed hotel has been reborn as a collective. As he explores the transformed community, he unearths a world of sustainable industries and rediscovered friendships. But amidst the triumphs, dark shadows of the past and personal history resurface, weaving a narrative of love, loss, and magical transformation. Dunn's evocative prose and historical resonance bring the rust off Appalachia, setting it free in a story that celebrates the power of resilience and the allure of redemption.

Book Info

Title: Wildcat

Subtitle: An Appalachian Romance

Author’s name: Jeffrey Dunn

Category: Literary, Small Town & Rural, Magical Realism

Release date: 2024

Page size (W x H): : 5.5”x8.5”

Word count: 32,300

Book Sample


Kirkus Reviews

In Dunn’s novel, a retired English teacher returns to the now-transformed Appalachian Rust Belt town he lived in during his senior year of high school, revisiting the love and loss he experienced a half-century ago.

An unnamed narrator remarks that he feels like a “bloomed-out iris in a patch of Wildcat mayapples” now that he’s has retired to Wildcat, a mining/mill town where “Interlopers are rare, even ones like [him] who lived here for a short time.” He has returned, some 50 years later—after living in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Upstate New York—at the suggestion of an old friend, Dominic Vitali, who informed him of “Wildcat’s magical changes, ones so different from the disastrous ones of the past” and the news that Carolyn Zalewski, the narrator’s first love when he lived in Wildcat during high school, is back in town. The main character, who had a career as an English teacher and writer, describes “Hotel Wildcat, my new home”—a living/dining collective with inhabitants engaged in artisanal activities (mushroom farming, sassafras furniture molding, and so on) and enjoying locally sourced food. He walks around Wildcat, interacting with various townsfolk and locales, including the riverfront where there are “chunks of concrete scattered here and downstream, a result of the time someone blew a hole in the dam.” The narrative eventually details the momentous events at which it hints early on—mine and dam explosions and a mill fire—that, decades before, jolted the town and the narrator’s relationship with Carolyn. The story ends with sightings of ghosts (dubbed “The Shadows”) that linger in the area, and a celebratory community event. 

Dunn appropriately gives his book the subtitle “An Appalachian Romance”; it is indeed a love story, although it’s less about the man and woman at its center and more about the strikingly vibrant world that the author has created. The exact location of fictional Wildcat within Appalachia isn’t revealed, and one can argue that Dunn’s depiction of a modern Rust Belt town as a hub of back-to-the-earth sustainability and artistry is a utopian vision. Still, with his specifics about Wildcat’s new craft-making (who knew sassafras had such uses?), Dunn effectively makes the case that retooling is possible for any town, which makes this book a welcome alternative to the downbeat works that one often sees regarding the region. The novel’s other strengths include how Dunn dramatically shapes the narrative with headline-style punctations; he gives the word “Bang” its own page, just past the novel’s midpoint. His slow revelation of what led to the town’s tragic events is also effective, as when he introduces Carolyn’s brooding brother and the “sickly yellow” interior of her home. At its core, however, this novel is a lovely ode to nature, from a ramps-collecting idyll of young lovers to the “confluence” of the riverfront where “all thoughts and feelings and experiences fail, and it’s upon places like these that The Shadows endure.” This theme culminates in “Lost Surreal Interlude,” a marvelous final section that offers a lightning round of observations of the natural world.

A riveting unfolding of past traumas and joyful celebration of nature and renewal.

Booklife Review

Dunn (author of Radio Free Olympia) strikes a graceful balance between the mystical and the everyday in this meditative reflection on acceptance and belonging. The story’s unnamed narrator has recently retired to Wildcat, a small community in the Appalachian rust belt, 50 years after spending only a single year of high school there. That year was a disastrous one for Wildcat: a deadly explosion shut down the town’s mine, and soon after both its mill and its dam were destroyed. The narrator’s abrupt departure left behind a broken town and fractured relationships, but he returns with the hope of again becoming part of Wildcat’s unique community, and of reconnecting with Carolyn, his first love.

Wildcat offers the narrator the simple retirement he wants: a plain single room in the Wildcat Hotel where he can read and write, and the opportunity to go on walks by the river to sort through his memories. But his new home allows him to do these quotidian activities “in the Wildcat way,” which Dunn captures with a strong sense of milieu. His companions in the Wildcat Hotel are colorful locals with a host of trades and crafts, he writes with a wild turkey feather using ink and paper made from locally grown mushrooms, and on his walks he finds The Shadows, the enigmatic spirits of those who died in the Wildcat’s tragedies.

As the narrator gets to know Wildcat again, he is forced to face the traumas he left behind so many years ago, re-examining the past and forging new connections as he settles into his future. Wildcat and its community serve as powerful examples of growth and renewal. Dunn’s lyrical, imaginative language infuses the town’s people and places with an otherworldly quality, but readers will easily connect with the narrator’s warm narration style and the challenges he faces as he adapts to this new life in his new home.

Readers Favorite Review

Wildcat: An Appalachian Romance is a captivating story by Jeffrey Dunn about a man who returns to Wildcat in his sunset years. He settles at the Hotel Wildcat, intending to write his memoirs, and discovers the transformation of the place he once called home, even for just a short time. It brings back a lot of memories; the beauty of its landscapes, industrial disasters, friendship, love, and loss. A long time ago, his father used to work at the town’s mine, which exploded and changed the lives of the inhabitants. Today, a mushroom farm flourishes where the mine used to be. As his past catches up with him, he learns that Carolyn, his former girlfriend, has also returned to the place. What follows is a story of redemption as he rediscovers friendship, nature, love, and man’s capacity to redeem himself.

Jeffrey Dunn’s Wildcat is a profound story that gives readers an intimate glimpse of one man’s road to redemption. The author’s literary style is descriptive and engaging as he successfully weaves a tale that bridges the protagonist’s past and future, with the rugged beauty of the Appalachian as a backdrop. He paints vivid images of a world, both real and imagined. There is a palpable inner tension in the story that should keep readers’ curiosity burning. As such, it is difficult to put the book down. Medium-paced and entertaining, it is a deceptively easy read. In the end, it provokes one to take a long, hard look at one's own difficult road to redemption as well.

Midwest Book Review

Wildcat Midwest Book Review by Diane Donovan

 Wildcat: An Appalachian Romance is a literary story of love and loss set against the backdrop of the Rust Belt, where a retired teacher returns to his hometown with a vision of renovating the Hotel Wildcat. His journey home reveals transformations he'd never expected, calling into question the possibility of a mine-driven community entering the new age world, carrying its baggage of explosions, anguish, and company town pain with it.

Just as Wildcat harbors its own ghosts of the past, so the catastrophic changes that rocked the narrator's world in his senior year return to haunt him as he and the community try to escape the darkness of historical precedent to enter a new era against all odds and influences.

Jeffrey Dunn creates a compelling narrative as seen through the eyes of a character that discovers the pull of the past tugs on not just memories, but heartstrings.

Lured back by the town's magical changes and promise, the teacher also finds himself in a transformative romance that takes past experience and gives it a new twist while injecting some of the darkness of those experiences into his new life.

As he surveys choices and loves of the past, motivating factors for escape come into play to slowly reveal why he left in the first place—and why he returned:

"It was quiet, spooky quiet, so quiet, in fact, that after the moving truck drove away, it felt like a cemetery, and then I thought that all post–World War II housing plans must be cemeteries, too. It wasn’t a pleasant thought, this belief that I was born and still lived in a cemetery. I knew right then and there that I needed to find a way out."

Jeffrey Dunn builds the town's past and present carefully, piece by piece, as events swerve from mills and dams to failures in human endeavors that affect the protagonist and everyone around him. History is woven into these events with such an adept touch that readers absorb this atmosphere with a seamless interplay of people and perceptions. These lend nicely to character reactions to their world's pain and promises.

Dunn's novel will be perfect for readers seeking stories about community transformation processes, the seepage of past events into present-day attempts to change, and the Appalachian environment.

Libraries will want to recommend this novel to anyone seeking a story set in the Rust Belt where dreams and reality coalesce to bring new realizations about the past, present, and possible futures.

Author Bio

Jeffrey Dunn, featured on NPR and Medium, is the author of the critically acclaimed Wildcat: An Appalachian Romance and Radio Free Olympia as well as Whiskey Rebel. He is an advocate for educational reform, drawing on his award-winning forty-one-year teaching career, his Ph.D. in Cultural Studies and English Literature, and his experience with dyslexia.

In The Press

Publishers Weekly/Booklife review

Readers Favorite review

Midwest Book Review

“Start Reading Wildcat: An Appalachian Romance by Jeffrey Dunn!” Littsburgh

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“Wildcat: An Appalachian Romance (book recommends)”

“Wildcat: An Appalachian Romance” on Kirkus Reviews

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